Sluv Knighterrant has reached a very high level. He receives a text message.
"Think about it. Did Egypt use nanotechnology way back then? The rod turned into a serpent. What was that? Is magic really just nanotechnology?"
Xandriana legalizes psilocybin. She also legalizes Hoasca. She also legalizes DMT. She also legalizes LSD. Also peyote.
The drugs are used to work in conjunction with the nanobots in an individual's brain. What happened is humanity started getting too smart, people started waking up to Posh Froth, too many people were tapping into the righteous 3AM. So, drugs were made legal. The pineal gland is drastically altered. People learn not to fear dying. Self harm is easier to perform because the individual is high on drugs. Massive death is committed at an unprecedented level.